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inheritance rights 意味

"inheritance rights"の例文


  • 相続権{そうぞくけん}
  • inheritance     inheritance n. 継承, 相続; 遺伝的体質; 遺産. 【動詞+】 Trustees were appointed to
  • rights     rights 利権 りけん
  • discriminate against the inheritance rights of    ~の相続権{そうぞくけん}に制限{せいげん}を設ける
  • one's inheritance rights    one's inheritance rights 相続権 そうぞくけん
  • by inheritance    相続によって
  • inheritance     inheritance n. 継承, 相続; 遺伝的体質; 遺産. 【動詞+】 Trustees were appointed to administer the child's inheritance. その子の相続財産を管理するために管財人が指名された claim one's inheritance 相続権を主張する collect one's inh
  • at rights    垂直に、直角に
  • by rights    正しくは、正当に、当然{とうぜん}に、本来{ほんらい}なら、本来{ほんらい}
  • rights    rights 利権 りけん
  • rights on    {名} :
  • rights-on    {名} : 権利付き{けんりつき}
  • to rights    整頓{せいとん}された[満足{まんぞく}すべき?秩序正{ちつじょ ただ}しい]状態{じょうたい}に
  • with rights    権利付きで
  • alternative inheritance    交代遺伝{こうたい いでん}
  • autosomal inheritance    常染色体遺伝{じょう せんしょくたい いでん}


  • it was because umako ' s wife was a sister of moriya and they claimed their inheritance rights .
  • even when the fudai and nihanba ranked families did not hold an official position within the shogunate , they would receive a stipend and were granted inheritance rights to their estates .
  • on january 26 , 758 , daijokan (grand council of state ) specified that hoshikawa no maro had produced the achievements of chuko (3rd level of 4 level of inheritance rights of koden ) and his koden (rice fields given to vassals or their families for their achievements ) should be inherited by two generations , to define his koden 4-cho (39672 square meters ).
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